Yum Yum Podcast

Exploring The Expanse: Godspeed | The Expanse | Review

Episode Summary

The Mormons face their biggest challenge yet! Theft. SUPPORT US: patreon.com/yumyumpod EMAIL US: yumyumpod@gmail.com FOLLOW US: Twitter: @YumYumPodcast Facebook: @YumYumPodcast Instagram: @yumyumpod Reddit: r/YumYumPodcast Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/yumyumpodcast.bsky.social Tiktok: @yumyumpod Tumblr: @yumyumpod

Episode Notes

We are just your average married couple who love watching and talking about science-fiction television. The Expanse is the series we’re talking about and one we’re watching through for the first time! Listen to us break down episodes of The Expanse and see if it’s as good as everyone says it is. Exploring The Expanse is released to our Patreon first and so if you want to hear more of our discussions then come over and support the podcast.
This week we’re exploring The Expanse episode  “Godspeed”
It’s time to unleash the blue goo!






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Episode Transcription



hello Rachel hello Ryan how are you doing good how are you o baby I am feeling like I've gone through an Awakening a religious Awakening oh yes a good friend of mine stole my my home and flew it off into space to use it for some meaning for like some higher purpose that I just don't understand yet and so oh and he has he doesn't have a hat this friend they used to and they weren't my friend then but now they're my friend cuz they have a mohawk uh how are you doing overall confused why because you referred to it as your home not our home it's the Lord's home but in all seriousness we are yum yum y podcast the only podcast in the entire known universe to have yum yum energy and we are called this because of an not just any line I was just going to say oh because of a l no no no because of a Monumental line an iconic line a a line that has formed religions yum yum was said in Star Trek Discovery a series that we have gone over before and it was a very out of nowhere line and we find it very amusing so we like to remind everyone that this happened and that this was the state of modern screenwriting at the time changed and you still managed to make me cringe with something that you decide to say like I just and you married me Rachel because we're a husband and wife team reviewing episode of Science Fiction television and we are going over the expanse yes we are a couple of episodes in to season two Ryan is going to read the description oh yes now we have the IMDb description available we are watching the expanse for the first time through and doing so on the Blu-ray set but the Blu-rays don't come with they booklet that's the thing I've never liked about Blu-ray some people have asked me because I have a we have a fairly fairly large DVD collection and Blu-rays are there but not as much there's very minuscule amount of Blu-rays and why is that the case because a lot of DVDs have great special features and booklets and just so much stuff that Blu-rays rarely have ever have but we have the Blu-ray set for the expans and it does not give us a description but give us all of the season no it doesn't it only gives us the first three because well it moved to Amazon now we are talking about episode four of season 2 God speed Miller devises a dangerous plan to eradicate what's left of the protomolecule on iros ooh sweet simple to the point I like it now we are yum yum podcast and yum yum happened in Discovery and that line was not just out of nowhere it was also sexual in nature it was very sexual and weird and it gets us a little bit sweaty a little bit hot under the collar makes you want to unbuckle your belt a bit because something's bursting from those trousers and what in God's speed made you feel yum yum what made you lick your lips and go M yum yum I'm assuming that you want my non-us pick first he had nothing to do in this actually can I give you my Amos pick yeah it's when he not only said bombs away but he had to clarify why he said bombs away because he's always wanted to and that wasn't sexy but I found it cute and I that's a different type of sexiness from Amos we don't get a lot of we don't get a lot of cute Amos like genuinely cute cute and a ironic sense a lot of the time but this was cute uh what is your yum yum thing in godspeed both Amos and normal what are your yum yums my yum yums Okay so my my my general pick for the the Yum Yum moment for God speed God God God damn it God damn it she said God too many times now we're damned to hell hey what's going on are you involved in this why are all our people being taken off the navoo oh the union you can't argue with the Union it's the standard safety protocol right you don't want a big radiation leak out on your trip to the the big unknown do you yeah though I I I I don't think you'll necessarily agree with it but Miller saying multiple times get late oh yes I I see I actually have a real struggle with godspeed I didn't find this episode to have anything particularly particularly sexy I I I guess we've we've got Miller he was probably the sexiest thing here he he had that when he got his gun back that was pretty pretty sexy and he he was stroking it and giving it a look of yeah Daddy's got his gun back and that was probably the most raw energy in that variety but I was drawing blanks for this honestly other than just the maess between Miller and Holden yeah but then it's but Holden's on one side of that you know and I find him inherently a sex void outside of when he has sex yeah so Amos what's your Amos pick your your annual Amos pick no yes it's more frequent than annual yes but I think this this is something we said before and like you said your automatic Amos pick it was slim pickings in terms of sexiness this episode um as well as slim pickings for Amos specifically he didn't get a lot to do in this episode though he was there and he was important um so I went with a line more because it's a contender for a great that's what she said than the actual line itself within context mhm and the line is it's generating a lot of heat oh and so were you when you saw him on screen she's generating a lot of heat godspeed I was very excited for this episode because we knew that they were going to do something with the big Mormon ship and it had the title godp speed we already had an idea of what Miller's plan is from the last episode yeah and it wasn't a surprise what it was uh they it's not a gunship they skipped forward some of the parts that I wanted I wanted them to dress up as Mormons and infiltrate it and take it over but instead they just stormed on there and said get the [ __ ] off you stupid [ __ ] back the [ __ ] up back the [ __ ] up you Dopey D you Dopey duners get out of here and then that one that one Mor is like I trust you wanted you said that you wanted to be you said people lie no but I was very much looking forward to this and I'm sad to report I think this is my least favorite episode in season 2 thus far and it's not because anything is bad in it in fact this is an episode this is an episode where everything is good but nothing is memorable to me nothing is standing out nothing is great and it ends on a big ooh statement that we knew from the last episode would happen it was one of those okay we're going to spend the whole episode eventually getting to something the audience probably determined when it was set up in the previous episode oh no the thing moved because obviously the thing it was building was ability to maneuver but and also it's just like yeah obviously yeah it's just like yeah obviously but obviously it either has built an engine or the blue goo is capable of doing that with the amount of energy cuz it's just an asteroid floating in space but this was a a supremely well-made episode everything went into the next thing very well I enjoyed all of the story lines all of the character stuff I I when I say it's the weakest it's just because it's not going to leave much of an impression on Me overall it's already kind of fading from my memory as we're speaking about it now uh there's going to be some little bits here and there maybe some lines maybe some exchanges and just the concept of we stole the big Mormon ship and we're going to ram it into another thing will be what remains but overall this didn't really click for me as much as I was hoping and maybe I was building it up a little bit more what about you godspeed what are your overall thoughts on it like I said it serviceable it's fine it's another episode where it just It suffers from being in the middle because it's just like okay we've got this part we're moving towards this part we've got to do this thing and you don't get very memorable character moments as a part of that the middle episodes that we've liked the most have been that mix of those two things of moving the plot forward and really highlighting the individuality of our characters and the uniqueness of their positions but this didn't really take the time to do those things because it was too busy just doing plot and it's a very lean episode in that way but it does make it very forgettable because once you've moved on you're like okay this is where we're up to and I get why you spent all of that time doing all of those things in this episode but two episodes down the line I'm going to be like yeah they did something in episode 4 I guess I I want to counter you because I agree and disagree because I think it didn't really do the plot first I think this is more character focused and hence the plot feels so tiresome because you know exactly how it's all going to play out but they they stretch it throughout the whole episode because you've got to hit those beats in the certain part of the script like you have to end this on the Cliffhanger of oh no the station moved but we the like I that was obvious I knew that was going to happen and same with oh no the bomb is going to get damaged and all this this this I think the plot is very interesting or detailed but there's not that much character stuff happening I think I think there is but I didn't love it as much so like for instance like Holden's moral dilemma that's not very beefy to me well they didn't beef it out as much as they could have and I think it's more about Miller we have a lot about Miller a lot about him it's really focusing on Miller Miller Miller and and Holden as well and yeah I I want to just say now the Holden stuff I found to be on paper the most interesting in the episode but in practice I didn't really care all that much because he didn't have as much of a conflict as I was expecting not in terms of he had plenty on the inside like you could tell it it got to him and and the performance of that anguish was well done but I was feeling the absence of Miller in that plot because Miller and and Holden would have bickered and argued and had differences of opinion on how to handle that situation but instead it was Holden standing there and the rest of the crew kind of shrugging and going oh you got to do something yeah it's just like this episode in almost every plot and every scene feels like a foro conclusion we know that Holden's going to end up having to kill those doctors that are on the ship we know that Miller is going to escape the bomb somehow we know that that AOS isn't going to get destroyed and we know Chrissy is going to just keep having to play up that she does doesn't know but actually knows so let's start with Chris Jen or as I've lovingly started to call her Chrissy cuz we're friends well played you said you had avasarala on a leash she's already connected us to Phoebe station it's wild speculation zero evidence I know her she's posturing we're following up on what happened with her previously Fred Johnson has given her some valuable information and it is the location of an abandoned stealth ship the one that they had a good time going over and so Chris Jen is left with a with a choice what do I do with this do I keep it to myself do I study it do I do more research on it but instead she decides to play it in a more open and direct way flagging it so everyone knows it it exists and so it's kicking the Hornet's Nest of and making it visible so now we have to look into who created this stealth ship and that only takes a matter of seconds realistically in terms of the scope of this because they they straight away go to ma ma and Mao is under the microscope and everyone's up in arms about this but I was actually surprised that was the choice she made and I was surprised in a good way this was one of those choices talking about seeing where the story is going to play out this is one where they didn't make it that she's uming and aring about it and having St to fill out the episode then she does it at the end this was oh immediately she just does it and then we proceed forward you said that this has a middle episode syndrome and that story her one with that choice didn't feel like the Middle episode syndrome like the other plots do and I'm really enjoying her and her spy and the scenes with them together they're good what your what were your thoughts on this being presented her getting the ability to have her people grab onto this stealth ship because she's clearly been trying to track one of these down for a while now I like the idea of like we're just going to move it over here so it gets s just like petrol Roots still exist oh yeah that was cute of course they do um they're just in space now uh I I enjoyed the mechanics of that quite a bit and just that being like no no we're just going to do this thing and then we're going to see what happens next and hopefully it plays into our plan what do you think about her exposing the stealth ship and thus putting ma into the spotlight you like that yeah and I think it's a very dangerous move but it was all that she could really do with what Fred gave her like CU it needs to be there it needs to be visible and it can't be from her because she's still playing the role oh yes I I very much am excited to see how this all plays out and Chris Jen herself only gets two scenes is it maybe three in the story here and it's more about Ma and aronri and I've I've praised season 2 for this very much but I I really still appreciate that we get to spend time with characters that are ones that circulate the story rather than the ones that are the Anchor Point so christien is the anchor that we are with in the un/ earth storyline but now in season 2 we're getting to have scenes of characters that just circle her and we get to spend time with them and how they feel about things and how they're reacting and their moves that they're playing as well and it's making the universe that we are watching feel more alive and more Nuance rather than oh it's just Christian Christian Christian and then she sees how these people react later but now we get to have ma in the show and I I pointed out to you that oh obviously this guy's going to be important because they they hired that actor who's been in a million things and it tipped us off but I'm thankful because they're letting him do stuff finally in this show he's great yes I can't imagine how frustrating it it was for the actor to be like we're going to have you for like a day or two this season but you but next season next season next season you'll be in more and he is you're you're important you're just not in the foreground yet so trust us trust us Aon Wright and Christian have uh ma in and they're questioning him and giving him the dress down go off the leash I I want to just go over how they play it ever so politely to begin with he's so gentlemanly and kind yeah it's all false and it's a play that they're putting on for Chris J it's a it's a it's a little little written script thing that they're playing out for her oh yes our full transparency will be dedicated to it and our security are onto it and they're their own individual thing I own Millions re and it's just like well those reasons [ __ ] what and eron right trying to be the middleman in the room of well we'll have to really put our shoe down our boot down with this one somehow thinking that he's the one in control like that's one of Aron Wright's biggest delusions right Aaron Wright's an idiot who thinks he's clever and I I I mean what a great character to have in the role he is in uh sha Doyle as always does a spectacular job playing this role so many cutaways to Aaron Wright's face as he is is analyzing everyone and figuring out what is the correct thing to do here so you actually see him calculating his brain oh Christian's doing that well I need to side with her and I'm weighing up how much that is going to bite me in the ass with ma but I have to so I'm going to and it made his level of wormin as a character again it makes it more enthralling to watch because he is willing to make dangerous plays as well even though he's on the side against Christian he is making plays where it will also in in this short term or maybe in long term bite him in the ass with the guy in the room as well yeah it was great um and Christian well how does she make sure to completely derail the little play that they're putting on by calling them out on their [ __ ] [ __ ] basically uh he's just like you have you'll have all of these things and she's just like she points out all of the ways that it doesn't make sense that he would have no idea about this and from that conversation he realizes she knows that he's working with Aaron right yes yes she specifically wants information about Phoebe's station yeah which I don't know how much she realizes that she revealed in that conversation oh I think she knows I think she knows I think she's aware that she's kicking the bear there but she is having to do it I I thought that was it's the best play that she can make so it makes sense that she would do it that way but it's still just like you're you're Bank you're banking on Aaron Wright's arrogance and m not being able to do anything now that he's under the microscope of the UN but it's just like you know how Shifty this [ __ ] is MH so she's got to be Shifty too yeah but she gives him ammunition and that's always dangerous she as an the the actress who plays this role has been really good at giving us different personas that Chris Jen puts on and in that moment when she's asking about the Phoebe station and she's turning to Aon Wright to get his back up on this and really leaning in on Ma and Grilling him you get to see this this performer have this character get to play both sides that we see in the show so the Arrogant hard nose I'm loving being a power awful [ __ ] mode and the I'm actually genuinely concerned I'm trying to stop a war here I'm doing all of this because I want Earth to be safe and when she is grilling about Phoebe station it's a weaving of those things into something else and it is just truly magnet like magnetic presence on the screen I just don't want to leave those scenes and so when we do cut back to our fun wacky Space Adventures with Holden and Miller and everyone else they almost pale in comparison because they aren't going above and beyond what I'm expecting of those but her scenes and it's even just it's not even just down to the acting but it is down to that script stuff like these these writers have a very keen awareness of how to play these sci-fi political pieces on the board and yeah I just want to watch more of it and then we cut over to Ma on the phone with eron Wright in his lovely mention Ma's lovely mention a great Visual and how how did you feel about ma calling out that Christian's clearly aware of everything and she's playing you you [ __ ] idot he's smart enough and removed enough to realize that he was able to see through the [ __ ] and not be fogged by his own arrogance and familiarity because he's not friends with Christian he doesn't really know her iron Wright does know her he he's friends with her or colleagues with her so he's also clouded in that way of Judgment of oh no I know Christian I would know if she was playing me idiot I mean it's so [ __ ] hilarious that Aaron R is just a boob like he's a joke of of a figure in this world like no one likes Aaron Wright and no one respects him no one fears him either yeah boob is a great one for him schmuck dumbass he's a Whipping Boy and I think that's so deserving but the big takeaway out of all of this is not only does ma know that Christian is aware and so there will be consequences most likely in relationship to that but he makes it explicit to Aaron Wright that he should know now because guess what Aaron Wright I'm told you and if you're not going to listen fine I don't need you our relationship is severed you're on your own [ __ ] like even ma is cutting off aronri from any of this or at least putting him in a place of punishment uh any thoughts on that overall and how that may kind of Ravel unravel as we go because Aaron Wright at the beginning is like oh he's going to keep being in cahoots with ma but even but with four episodes in and Ma's just like you know what dismissed cutting my losses and I'm like good call good call Mal I support that decision and Aon R keep on [ __ ] up cuz it's wonderful to watch at this point where does ma go from here though m yeah I think we'll get more scenes with him independently yeah I just he's now severed relationships with the second most powerful man on Earth yeah but I think who gives him all of the stuff to the UN yeah like he has insights but I think there'll be like that he has other people and other strings that he will pull yeah what about I think he's definitely lost out but it's definitely like it was a potential disaster situation to keep on going with Aaron R ma is a businessman so I look at him from a businessman perspective so what would he do I imagine and they've introduced this character so it's completely viable either he has two options ahead of him oh I'll just go straight to the head of the fleet himself yeah that really militaristic angry guy that has replaced our calm levelheaded one uh and or I'll just go to the Top Dog I'll just go to the Secretary General yeah Aaron right you're a [ __ ] up fun I'll go to your boss then isn't that like the ultimate business move of just fine I'll go to your boss then you let me down I'm going to talk to the the real person in charge we're going to I'm I'm going to talk to the grownup in the room I do wonder if in that same way he's going to say I'm going to talk to the grownup in the room and go to Christian oh yeah just lay the cards out on the table and say okay we know what we're doing so what do we do now now that would be great I I I would oh my God I would love a conversation between those two where they're smiling politely at each other but really saying I'm going to destroy you trying to blackmail her with if he finds out about the Fred Johnson communicate oh that would be good too when I speculate that wildly I always wonder what it's like for people listening who have watched it they must giggle they giggle and laugh at the fact that I routinely would call it blue goo and then once I stopped saying blue goo and I said no no they don't call it that in the show I'm going to call it proton molecule then literally the show calls it Blue Goo now I have permission never to call it proton molecule again and if you out there are one of those people that complain that I call it and Rachel calls it blue goo instead of proton molecule guess what don't care it's fun and Alex said it one time so so I have permission the show gave me permission to call it blue goo I got a nice little resting spot for that nasty blue goo we ended on the last episode with Miller has a plan he has an idea he's an ideas man he's a man with a plan and we are going to see what that is his solution to the problem of AOS station is to get the big Mormon ship and RAM it into it so it goes into the Sun and they can't nuke it they can't blow it up because of the worry of the bits of it that could fly off and then infect wherever else like these microscopic bits this is a contamination this came from some other place that was launched onto a piece of rock and look how that worked out so yeah we can't just blow it up so the plan is let's steal the Mormon ship and RAM it but that means all of these other people have to do a bunch of stuff so that can happen and I will say I adore that I will say I I really like how the expanse utilizes that as a storytelling method where we have the big thing but every other character has little jobs to help benefit that and it really applies to their resources or their abilities Fred Johnson he's the guy that on paper he's just the guy who sits at the desk back at the station and says all right you go out there boys and I'll give you some of my men but instead of doing it just like that they they raise this Fred if you do this if you go onto that Mormon ship and take it off of them you are going to burn down everything you've built here you will destroy yourself and basically the station as well because we do see Tao as an extension of Fred and how he's rebuilt his life since leaving the UN oh yeah he's going to destroy any credibility and quote unquote Redemption he has as well as obviously make enemies with other people in the OPA and the Mormons and Earth and Mars and whoever else if this gets found out which it obviously will I I that that could have been a detail easily overlooked because well let's just get to the big action fun shoot this ship through space and get to the spooky Eros station but as a as a fan of the character of Fred Johnson it's always great when they keep adding new layers to him as a person and that he like Chris Jen and he like uh not only Christian but Holden when you make a decision you have to think of all of these consequences that will happen from that choice it's not just a simple oh I decided so it's fine it's oh I've decided and it means I'm going to have to deal with 14 million other problems from making that choice we see that with Christian storyline and she's she's a skilled politician so she's far more comfortable with it we see Fred here who's pretty skilled at leadership as well and he is in complete awareness of how this will [ __ ] him over in the long run and he weighs it up and he decides yes I will do this and then we have Holden who's the leader of his ship and he has to make a really tough call and it eats him up inside but he does it and he knows there'll be consequences from it but he didn't really think about all of them and I think that was a great thing as a little thread throughout this episode of just keeping it echoing and same with uh same with uh Miller he he had to deal with some of his choices and what they led to and he had an attitude about it but what do you think of ramming the Mormon ship into AOS station was that something that you expected them to be doing with it overall it's a very logical thing because it doesn't have guns so and it's a massive ship so it like when Miller lays it all out I'm like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we're doing this Miller presents this plan and that means let's get Holden and the rest know want to do it Holden has to hear about it and Holden is such a piss ant cuz the well they do need the Rossy for defense yeah it's a gunship we'll need it in case anything happens and we can't leave all of our characters behind at the station yeah why why can't they that's no that's not going to happen that's not the way that things work yeah we just have them all there and a lot of them don't do anything Amos and Alex have reaction shots they're there too that's it you can clap and say they're there as well Alex has a couple of lines here has a couple of lines do you think do you think Holden is right to be as indignant as he is when it comes to anything happening in this episode when in relation to Miller what do you think I I I get it but I don't care that's that's that's where I'm at with it of I get why Miller is the way that he is I get why holdon is the way that he is and I get there's a massive discrepancy between their value systems and that they're likely to butt heads but because their ultimate goal is the same of wanting to protect the system from the protomolecule that they're going to end up working together they know things that nobody else in the system does I have a hard time separating what is done well and my own disdain so I don't like holding that much as a character overall I've grown warmer towards a character but when he's having the these explosive scenes and being very up in people's faces telling them I don't want this listen to meant I can't help but like I can't easily separate if this is Justified and right and its own way or if it is annoying because I find Holden to be an inherently annoying character it has it does clearly have justifications he has his inbuilt set of values that make it so that he would oppose it this way but there's still that reaction I have as a viewer where I just throw my hands up in the air going shut the [ __ ] up Holden I don't care because I agreed with Miller from the very beginning you are so team Miller you don't give a [ __ ] what Holden has to say and I think a problem inherently is Holden and Miller haven't properly had time together to Duke stuff out in a meaningful way they just keep having one or two little scenes where they have a a pissing contest with one another and then they're told to separate and I just like that that process worked much better when it was Miller having beef with Amos yeah but they actually had like a proper storyline in that episod about it like' couple scenes yeah but it was in the whole episode this is like one scene in the previous episode a couple and I don't know I I I get it and I understand it and in to be against Miller as well Miller is a piece of [ __ ] when he does come onto that Mormon ship and that Mormon is distraught that they're using their holy place for something else and he sees that Miller played them it is it is genuinely sad because this person took Miller in and gave him something you know he he talked to him and he treated him like a person and thought that he was giving somebody's salvation which is like they see it as almost egalitarian I guess of and selfless of spreading the word of God and saving another person's life and now he's getting that thrown back in his face and his sacred place this Temple is being being desecrated Miller is a character as well that has a death wish and a a nihilistic view on life at times and he has a Detachment from things he is a character that now he no longer has the hat and the gun and the job he is just going where the flow takes him he's like a you know a leaf just blowing in the wind and that is inherently frustrating for some like Holden who has a very strict life and what he desires and what he needs and what he stands for and you said it Holden and Miller want the same thing they want to make sure everyone's safe but they have drastically different worldviews and drastically different approaches to doing that and that is great dramatic con like that's great conflict to have between these guys and we see throughout this story how Miller's Detachment or his distance from things that many other people find to be important to them can be both a blessing and a curse because he's out of the box thinking here of using the the the sacred ship to save the day is something that is very important to these Mormons but he doesn't give a [ __ ] he doesn't care so we'll just use it and then later on when he's teamed up with the the The Rock kid and how he talks to him it it keeps going on like that so when we have Miller and Holden butting heads it does make sense I just have to stop myself from just reflexively just rolling my eyes at any time Holden shouts stuff did you did you notice how many times you groaned during Holden scenes in this episode quite a bit quite a bit so you did notice I felt it it came out of me a lot you're insane and you might be too for listening to this lunatic I guess we could just broadcast everything we know and wait for Earth Mars and the OPA to all rally together and start singing kumay do the right thing just hear me out all right he has decided that they need to go on Eros station and plant a b a bunch of bombs to set them off so that it will help move stuff around for when they need the when they need the um what's the name of their ship again the navoo the navu to hit into it to help it go into the Sun and he's going to team up with all of these bels and we get a conversation between him and Naomi before he goes off he gets his gun back from Johnson but what did you think about the back and forth between Naomi and Miller I really liked the bit of sort of Belta language that's thrown in in that conversation as well and that we don't get subtitles for it like you know that that's sort of at least a dialect of the belt and that they're using that and it's interesting to see that connection that they share that Naomi does doesn't uh talk about as much like that hasn't been a part of her journey of self like her journey is not about one of self acceptance the way that Miller has been on so it's nice to see them connecting as people and as belters um as well as that reaffirming how they are way more similar in what they're willing to do when their perspective and their experiences than Naomi and Holden yes that's what I really got out of it she even in a roundabout way says I'm not going to do the wag my finger and lecture you I'm going to actually talk to you about what's happening here and I I'm I'm on your side here you know I see why it's going to be this way be careful out there okay and they gave each other their little uh Belta sign language moves or whatever their gestures and so when later in the episode Miller is staring down death and we see Naomi shed a tear over it it actually matters because the exchanges that those two characters have had have has been pretty pretty good but there's been some uh something in common with one another they do have their culture that binds them to together and they look at the world in a very specific lens that the others don't we we've got Alex who's the Martian pilot we've got Amos who's the emotionally detached earth guy we've got Holden who's idealistic Mis I'm going to save the day and we're going to do it the good way by the books uh Earth men we we can go on and obviously we had havlock for for Miller but who I'm sure havelock's going to come back guys I people have said Ryan you got to stop mentioning havlock not being in season 2 you should be happy that he's not in season 2 you shouldn't complain that he hasn't shown up again guess what I'm going to keep complaining all right I'm going to complain complain complain because it means with each passing episode havlock wasted my time even more in season 1 but she did something that W that made me take a moment to step back and go is this a good thing or a bad thing she laid out that I'm not going to be I'm not going to do what I usually do which is be the moral Center in the room and have my hands on my hips and say moral morally right things and what do you think about that Naomi has functioned very much in a lot of stories as the person who says things that is just like the moral compass the moral compass and tell me if I'm getting out of line here because I know you have strong opinions on uh female characters like this but I think like sometimes like the female character is inherently imbued as being like the straight person in the room the naturally smart person in the room and the the motherly the motherly one and oh we must listen to them because they've got a heart and they've got in touch with their emotions and so we must because well you know it makes think about in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia they started out the show with sweet D being the Fairly normal one and she would react as the straight person and then then they realize that that's inherently boring and so they also made her crazy as well and I don't know how to feel about that with Naomi I I do think a lot of the time her role is to stand there with her hands on her hips telling the boys to get their heads on straight how do you feel yeah like that's um that was a massive thing about her relationship with Amos right like put your dog back on a leash sort of conversation that they've had around that and I like that they're moving away from that and sort of like that's still a part of her and a part of her role within the show but they aren't just doing it in the same way like the fact that Naomi clearly wants to be able to save Miller and his upset that she can't and we see the silent tear um it that all makes sense for her to be at that point emotionally and mentally as well as the fact that with her personality she doesn't outcry she doesn't go but we have to go out there she doesn't put anybody at risk she just feel is clearly feeling her feelings and being quiet about it yeah I get what you're saying but Miller also flags of well you the one who was outspoken about what to do with the blue goo and so you've got the blue goo still hiding out in space and now it's that's on you that's on you you have to make your choice I guess I'm hoping that in the future we get to see Naomi be a bit more of a shitty person like the other characters are afforded way more than she ever is get the dirt on her I want to see her get some dirt and mud thrown on her as a character and the most we've got thus far in this season is her vehemently disagreeing with Holden about things and I don't find that enough and uh I'm I'm going to keep a tab on that and uh we'll see how it plays out so Miller follows through he's now teamed up with some belters and hey it's our it's our friends it's our friends again it's not only the rock hopping kid who's what's his name again is like Diego yeah Diego he says it with an accent so it's like doo but it's not just him did you see him you you screamed out he's back Who's


Back come on come on come on you take it you you take it it's that big dumb goofy muscly guy with the beard who keeps being in whole Miller's team of dumbass idiots I love that guy he was there in that pre I I just like that this is a recurring I like this is a recurring Opa guide that they have the actor I don't know who the actor is but he has the perfect face he he's very expressive he he just the the the the looks he gives are are Priceless he gets big laughs out of me that guy he he just has such a like this guy's been hit in the head a few too many times expression like a punch drunk look to him a lot and I just I I I light up every time this this dumb boy is on the screen he's my MVP of the show at the moment I love this guy you really miss the G belter I miss the G Bel this this dude is he giving you some Joy beef cake Opa man is giving me a lot of Joy but talk to us about what Miller is having to get up to so he's he's teamed up with these Opa guys like I said they're going to have to plant some bombs on OS but walk us through a bit about how this all plays out uh they get interfered with by another one of the plots that's happening and the bomb goes wrong oh no and somebody needs to stay behind and put a button push a button yes oh it's all very uh boily plate kind of stuff as they're having this ongoing conversation about like the space walks and Mill has never been on one and then he doesn't like one and then he [ __ ] up uh he drops his [ __ ] oh he he couldn't slow down so he just smacked into the wall yeah and he lost his thing um and then the the youngster helps him out and he's just keeps on being like you say that it's better than sex which I'm I'm like you it's it's not it can't be it means that you haven't had sex so that thus he keeps on um telling him to go get laid um Miller's accepted his a belter now y uh he discovers a man and an airlock oh yeah they discover they open up one of the airlock and this is this guy from a ship that is relevant to Holden's PL uh I enjoy enoyed the back and forth conversations with Miller and Diego I just really liked it and those actors they have a spark between them they do they they they have a really good chemistry and I'm glad that they brought that back and making callback jokes to like the water thieving days cuz they're like well what are you going to do when you get when you're done here it's like go back I'm going to go back and take your gig no one's stealing water like you did so I'm going to hustle in on that and he Miller keeps giving this kid advice he's he's had an almost come to Jesus Awakening recently Miller where he has now seen the the world in a very different way and he has a strong opinion on the OPA now thanks to his adventures in season 1 he has a strong opinion on them when he when when he started he didn't really have much of an opinion he didn't care for them but he they exist [ __ ] over people like everybody else in the system so who gives a [ __ ] but now he knows like now he knows they're inherently corrupt and dangerous like any other big dog in this system so what makes them any better and he tries to give this kid advice and I there was that exchange I can't remember it exactly but the exchange where the kid is saying I shouldn't have to take advice from you and Miller agrees he's like yeah you really shouldn't have to be should you like you you should not be in a situation right now where I'm giving you advice that's how bad things are right now yeah that was pretty good that was fun but they planting the bombs and oh you know as soon as they say how many bombs they have to plan and they're counting down like oh we got this many left oh yes the last bomb or the second last bomb is going to something's going to go wrong something's going to go wrong and some debris hits these guys and makes it so the bomb has to be touched and so someone has to stay behind with the bomb and Miller has a death wish and Julie keeps appearing in this episode too by the way Julie keeps showing up in his brain and what do you think about Miller's death wish side and how it's been culminating throughout the series like I get it but I also don't care in a way but C is he still feels like he's safe like they're not going to get rid of him just yet he he do he feels safe still go get back to the


ship better go before I change my mind hand this thing back to here we we keep coming back to this but I think it's very prevalent here with the bomb story but with all of them really which is it does things that are very welln in storytelling not just scii it hits familiar beats it hits familiar beats you could say they hit familiar tropes archetypes you could even argue that some of the things that they are doing you would look at and say it's trit the buom and the finger thing is one of the most hackneyed things you've ever seen in stories it's goes this goes all all the way back to the 1940s that's the type of deal this is and I'm not saying that's an inherently negative thing to the experence but I do want but it's it's a thing to acknowledge and I I feel like that is one of the things that contribute to my feelings on it feels like a lot of episodes at this point of feeling like I can see what's going to happen and I feel the Beats coming because it is very familiar stuff it's playing out uniquely and I'm interested to see what happens now but it's just like I feel like I've said this a number of times now of like walking into an episode and knowing where all of the beats are going to end and then we end up there and the way that we get there there is just ABC one two 3 I I I I I I I I captain I think about the X Files The X Files when it began was this fresh exciting daring series but when you actually break it down they were just doing things that TV had done many times over they were just looking at the Twilight Zone or they were looking at uh nightstalker and so many other things Andor just ripping straight from the headlines but they presented it in a very unique and daring and striking a long way to sell a product packaging it really well and having really good characters and just capturing the imagination of the viewer but you still just had a story where this week they vers a person who can turn into a wolf man but as the xar went along you you you see it just kind of degraded over time because that trick wore off and there's only so many ways you can do that over and over and over again and then eventually became super soldiers which is the bane of my existence as a storyline in any science fiction or fantasy thing is super soldiers and it's because of the X Files a series that I love and hate and it's because of that is I both love and hate that the xfiles like the expanse could take these cliches these tropes these these things that we've seen a million times over and and wrap it up and present it and package it in a way that was exciting but over time oh I've seen that package several times over I know what's inside this box you want to talk about some of Holden's moral High ground and the humanitarians Holden's a whiny [ __ ] and some do is some [ __ ] what sorry I I've just tuned into the podcast it's playing live on the radio and you I need some further context which is for Kings Holden m is a whiny [ __ ] that that checks that that's that that that lines up with what I've seen some humanitarians oh that are doctors awesome [ __ ] okay so uh let's get into that story Holden as much as I [ __ ] about him as a character I do find him fascinating yeah as a person that is just such a Boy Scout yeah he's important to the show yeah yeah he's important to the show yes but I find him interesting and fascinating in a way it's like how are they going to make him such a Boy Scout this week yes he provides a very unique perspective within the show and it's just like oh oh the B the world spared you so much Holden it is that realization that you have of oh what it would it be like if the goody to shoes Andy Griffith type character was in a gritty War show we like that about actually space above above and beyond a series that as we keep watching more of the expanse the space above and beyond just keeps keeps coming to the top of my mind because there's lots of things that are in common with them yeah and Nathan West in that show was the golly G I'm a morally upright but he was selfish and he gets dirty oh yeah he got [ __ ] up but we discover that the Rossy is tracking along some stuff in this area because all of the security stuff has gone away from iros station it's V it's vulnerable for this window of time and so the Ross is making sure it is actually free of people and oh they've discovered a ship hiding over there and it is a ship not known to them it's uh it's completely foreign they is this a martian ship is this Earth is this Pirates assum it's actually ma yeah or ma they they keep propositioning as pirates and can we just visit pirates for a second can we just visit that they said that there were pirates in this universe and first episode and we've never seen them we've never actually seen Pirates but a bunch of plots rely on the fact that pirates exist we going to meet them or is this going to be a thing that they keep telling us so that we will momentarily think oh it won't be the like it won't be something yeah I don't know I feel like eventually we will we got to have a pirate crew member yeah yeah like if we if we don't see them I feel like see them like a full ship I think we're gonna see some pirate figures at some point of course but there's this ship and it's full of as you said humanitarians which has been set up in the show we keep hearing about how there are humanitarians and doctors trying to come to iros station to see what's happening and help people and save people and it is here and so with this what does it offer up to Holden's side of the story a moral dilemma because he wants to let them go he wants to be able to spare them for them to go off before the Mormon ship arrives and blasts AOS into the sun yes and these guys could escape and tell people about what's happening because they have the ability to record stuff yeah but they originally made Holden and the crew of the Rossy believe that they hadn't gotten onto the station thus there was no risk of infection and no information that could be leaked true then Miller finds the body realizes that they may have had contact and that they do have information and then they try and flee and broadcast um um to the world much like what Holland did with the camp because they don't believe the Rossy cuz they are Martian yeah they think that these are Martian soldiers played into that initially yes and then it bit him in the ass and he tried to reverse it and say I'm Jim Holden listen to me shouldn't that mean something and this guy momentarily looks at him and and the humanitarian was in the first episode of season 2 he was on the TV so I I recognized him because he had that accent and I'm like I said we've seen him before but he gave this look of oh you're Jim Holden and then decided no that's that's do doesn't matter I'm going to go off and broadcast this because it's the right thing to do and what happened Rachel they got blown up they got blown up by Holden did you expect that yes I actually was surprised I thought Holden was going to be a bleeding heart and let them do it because the humanitarian was trying to do what Holden did in season one but he regrets that because he even though like he knows that sending out that message saved his ass it was ultimately incorrect information and did damage to the very very frail peace between Earth and Mars yeah it makes I mean it lines up but I was surprised because Holden is a character that I find to be a bit toothless but he has it in him he does have the ability to make these dark calls and this makes me want to follow him more so it's a better choice on the writers to make him have this dilemma and then actually choose the violent option and there's Fallout from it in in literal ways as well as ones that we will most likely see in the show uh The Fallout of the debris [ __ ] up the stuff on AOS station it Holden is a character where we we treat him as a punching bag yeah you would say that's fair and the show does as well because almost every choice he makes is framed as if it was the wrong choice to make


yeah yeah like he doesn't feel good when he makes choices ever we haven't got that moment properly where Holden is sitting in the captain's chair and he's like Captain he's not like Captain Pike where he's smooth and in charge and everyone respects him and he's going to make the wise call and he's got a smirk on his face and yeah I'm a hot shot no every time he even even is in ey line of that the show finds a way to make sure that he's a [ __ ] who gets punished I'm trying to save your life I swear to you we want the same thing please don't make me kill you if we truly want the same things then you know what you need to do blue goo on the Move blue goo on the move the least shocking surprise that the show has done is hey the blue goo is building something what's it building oh I don't know let's ram it into the sun oh no we missed because it moved what do you mean it moved and then shot of Eros station flying away yeah with Miller on it Miller's stuck on it yeah with a bomb that's fun with a bomb that he can't let go of and a limited air supply oh yeah that's correct because he got his uh suit punctured and he lost a lot of air yep as well as like just having a a tank of air it's like he can't really go inside the station look what happened to the last guy yeah cuz he will get attacked by the protomolecule Yeah so he's in a very vicarious situation on the outside of AA station I have not anything to say I don't have anything to say about the blue goo being on the Move uh that goes there's nothing more other than to go into predictions of things but before we go there what would you rate God's speed on a scale of yum being bad and yum yum being good now to to to help you weigh in on this they did use God speed as a piece of dialogue in a badass moment in the episode they actually did title drop it in a way that was badass so I just wanted to flag that cuz that could matter to the rating system yeah yeah uh it could but it it doesn't tip the scales for me this is a fine episode but I don't give a [ __ ] about it so it's a y for me Naomi brought up that they're going to have a bunch of pissed off Mormons and I fist pumped when she said that because the idea of that is hilarious to me that there's going to be a bunch of pissed off Mormons and that almost makes makes it a yum yum but overall I I I I like this episode I don't love it it's not one I'm going to be thinking about too much this is better than season 1 when we had episodes like this in season one they were they weren't as good as this but I'm just going to give this a yum there was more problems in the previous episode in the structure and the narrative but I liked it more that's a thing to really let people in on when we do the rating stuff some people ask like why would you do this why do you feel that way and at the end of it all it is about if I like how much I liked it or didn't like it and the the the last episode there's things that are bigger problem problems that we pointed at and had more like vehement feelings on but I also liked it more I liked it I had a good time with it well this one I had a passive time I was watching it and it did its job very well now now the next episode of the expanse that we will be watching And discussing we have not seen it we don't know anything about it this is us going through it for the first time so I'm going to read out the title and from there we'll determine what could be happening next episode or some predictions for what is going to go on in this series from what we got today the next one is called home just home now what do you think is going to be going on in home or if you have any predictions overall I wonder if we're going to get a little bit of series again we haven't seen it no but uh mow is hearkening back to it um and I do wonder if that is going to maybe be a part of it that's that's my out ofth LIF Fe yes God no it means havlock will be back you wanted havlock back you got him [ __ ] and now he's got an eye patch he's a robot M he's like riding from the metal gear games there's a cyborg ninja with a motorcycle that makes him cool now right Ryan no it doesn't Ryden still sucks yes um that's my out of left field I think there'll be some Fallout further about the humanitarians that got killed and I think Christian is going to get pulled into that maybe so my prediction is more about the next episode itself the title home OS is flying away so it would be flying to Earth is my pick is going to fly to Earth and I think it will alert everyone and now it will make a plot of about that so Christian is going to be momentarily paused on her schemes because now this is happening so it may have to even accelerate what she has to do who knows ma will maybe have to be pressed and and panicked to do stuff but my my hope this is a hope is the next episode will be the Martian Marines stumble across this because they have AOS fly near them and now they're going to be intersecting with our characters at the rosy and there's going to be conflict there because he is the Rossy take taken over Martian ship and so there's going to be bad blood but both sides no gunny in this episode there's no gunny in this episode we made the prediction cuz gunny only appears in every odd-numbered one but I think it would be marvelous to have these characters converge and meet up uh not at the end of the season uh like last time but unknown but that's my that's my my pick for what will be happening next time uh everyone thank you so much for listening and tuning in make sure to give home a watch in the meantime and uh you can have a giggle and laugh at us for all of our uh wrong predictions here maybe the next episode is actually we get to hang out with everyone's favorite character the Mormon guy from last season and he comes and he and he's like I'm here I arrived where's where's navoo oh no it's not here and then he has an existential crisis about it but we can be found on all of your social medias under yum yum pod or yum yum podcast you can contact us over at yumod gmail.com we release these episodes for our patrons first if you're a patron you're hearing it you know how special you are thank you so much for your support and I thank everyone for tuning in and listening to us discuss the expans it's been really fun and people have been really excited and happy and uh having some laughs at us uh about stuff when it comes to what we're doing here uh if you want to support the show and you want to hear some episodes early then come over to our patreon yum yum podcast on patreon we have a group Discord that you get to be a part of and you can communicate and chat about a whole multitude of things and we just have a lot of bonus content over on that site so coming over to the patreon and that's it that's all we've got for you thank you all so much for being here Rachel I thank you for being in the room with me as I mourn the G belter who did not appear in this episode and I was upset yeah I cried you you you tried to fill the void with beef cake Opa guy but he just doesn't have the accent of the gaunt belter he doesn't say dustice and that's the real tragedy of the expans it doesn't have enough gaunt people who are belters who by the way that actor I've said it before but he did not look gone he looked pretty like that that guy who play the gone Belta he did not look gaunt it's such a weird descriptor ter I'm more gaunt than that guy that guy look like a like an Irish youth who could beat you up in a pub but oh he's a g belter whatever love him still


nonetheless see you then well w